Mama Care Monday: Culprit behind Mommy Belly......Diastasis Recti

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Through a recent conversation I had with a fellow mom, I realized that besides the "life after baby" postpartum recovery discussion that barely gets recognition in our society, a condition of postpartum life; Diastasis Recti is definitely another conversation that doesn't get much light.  Oh the joys of motherhood, all these new terms and "after birth of baby" physical conditions we get to learn and endure. So what is Diastiasis (\-ˌsēz\) Recti......DR means your belly sticks out because the space between your left and right belly muscles has widened. Some of us might call it a “pooch", "mommy ponch", "mama undercarriage", and many more not so pleasant names and euphemisms that we as moms can come up with.

Pregnancy puts so much pressure on the belly that sometimes the muscles in front can’t keep their shape. "Diastasis" means separation. "Recti" refers to your ab muscles called the "rectus abdominis."According to experts via WebMD and some research I have done speaking with other moms, having more than one child makes this condition more likely especially if they’re close in age. You’re also more likely to get it if you’re over 35 when pregnant, or if having a heavy baby or twins, triplets, and/or more. As I am getting my health together, practicing a specific preconception diet in order to conceive again(per last weeks MCM post) and sustain the pregnancy, I was hoping that at least I have twins the second time around so I can have two and be through! However, given this information I just learned about Diastasis Recti, it looks like I will be a perfect candidate in getting it!? I am over 35, I already have one child, she was a large baby, and the chances for having multiples increases with having children at a later age (see Jennifer Lopez).

The cool thing is brands like mine Myrtle&Flossie are making a way in the industry starting and continuing the postpartum care conversation and I get to meet, learn, and know other complimenting brands in the struggle providing vital info, resources, doing the same.  As moms we share advice on potty training our children, swap school info, testing and trying the latest childhood helpful products, etc.....but are more hesitant to open up about the abdominal, urinary, vaginal, and pelvic problems that can develop during postpartum for many of us.  With that said, I would like to share that there is hope, other holistic practices, exercises, and alternatives to assist if you are a woman who currently suffers from or this might be a future condition as a new or established mom you could endure.

A firm believer in homeopathy and herb usage to cure, aid, and benefit from any skin ailment, internal issue, and more, getting herbal body wraps can be extremely useful in this case. Like most things in life, consistency is the true testament if anything will really work. Most herbal body wraps contain vital herbs, dead mineral sea-salt, seaweed, and other potent combination of ingredients so with consistent either weekly or monthly can help and show improvement externally and also help internally. Reach out to your local spas in your area to see if they provide this service. Here at Myrtle&Flossie, herbal body wraps are one of the wellness service treatments we provide for women and moms,  

Belly Binding is an ancient art of wrapping the belly with with a special light-weight cloth that women for centuries in different civilizations have been doing since the beginning of time to help with shrinking a postpartum belly, and "bringing together" strengthen the abdomen muscles that are weak and in most women, separated since giving birth.  With the trend craze of waist training or wearing waist trainers hat has been happening in our society for the last few years, the concept isn't entirely for vanity reasons. Investing in a good belly binder that supports your back and/or helps realign the uterus and cervix can really make a difference in either getting DR post baby, or help make it less severe.  Here are various direct links to sites where you can find and purchase belly binders and wraps. Note: doing belly binding and wrapping is more and in my opinion the most effective immediately after giving birth to really see results before Diastasis Recti sets in.

Have you noticed that no matter how many sit-ups you do or different style of crunches you attempt and that mommy belly ponch isn't going anywhere? If you suffer from DR (Diastasis Rect), no amount of crunches is going to help, in fact it may hurt and make the issue the worse. Seeing as this is a real and serious condition that a lot of women who have had children suffer from there is help out there in the form of practitioners and specialist who have expertise and treat this condition with specific tailor made exercises to re-strengthen those separated muscles. Here is a link to a very good site that breaks down DR and provides nutritional tips and physical exercises that you can do from the comfort of your home to help with this condition. 

 Hope you found this article useful and know that you are not alone, I got your back. Remember mamas as rewarding as having children can be, you still have to take time for you and make sure you are well on all fronts; mentally, physically, and emotionally, to continue to take care of your children and family. Until next Monday......

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