Mama Care Monday: Rosey cheek no Makeup, Makeup

8:54:00 AM

I like to think that for the most part before I step out of my house, I attempt to put forth an effort to look decent and together. However the reality is, I sometimes barely have a chance to wash my face let alone attempt to put any makeup on. With my busy schedule and multiple hats, I wear as mom, mompreneur, entrepreneur, student, wife, friend, and whatever else I end up cramming on my plate, when do I have time to "put on my pretty face" like my husband likes to say. Disclaimer, let me be the first to say that this statement from the hubs doesn't mean he finds me unattractive, he just likes when I have the extra time to devote to myself and put a little something on when I step out. Trust me, I do too! I am sure it would be ideal to look like I stepped out of the pages of Vogue, instantly made up, outfit perfect, amazing style and out the door, I go! However, that is not realistic for my type of lifestyle and most busy mamas and women on the go. Not to say style, fashion, or being done up has to be sacrificed due to being a mom, it's definitely doable, but has to be done in a way that makes sense, practical, and my favorite word.....easy!  

Which is why I am all over the "no make-up" make-up movement that is happening and all the rage now #nomakeup. An easy, quick achievable light coverage look that completes the overall look, giving that little extra pep in your step as you go about your day. I am a firm believer if you look good, you feel good, making it a lot easier to navigate through the daily routine. 

There are a lot of new and amazing products out there in the market now to achieve this and try at home. New in M&F's herbal infused bath/body care line Ian's Secret, our Shea Butter based "cream blush" is one of those "no make-up" make-up products that gives just enough color adding warmth and a rosy hue to your cheeks

A smooth, semi-firm, yet still soft cream like texture when applied to the face, giving equal amounts of coverage and color. The best part is if you are someone like me who tends to fall asleep with their make-up on at times (no judgment), you don't have to wake up feeling guilty that you didn't get a chance to clean your face. 

The main ingredient Shea Butter, won't cause harm to your skin and soaks right in adding extra moisture for night time which is ideal as we age. Toxin free, organic, made with all natural minerals and raw ingredients. Looks amazing on various hues and skin tones. Check out fellow busy mama and brand influencer @brandiell giving a product review of our blush, looks amazing on her!

Other products that compliment, is a good bronzer that can be applied to eyes, cheeks, brow bone, and to complete the look, a great mascara. This can be done in minutes and out the door you go! 
Remember mamas, invest in yourself so you may continue to invest in others......

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