Mama Care Monday: "Difficult Roads Often Lead to Beautiful Destinations"

9:00:00 AM

One of the questions that seem to pop up in my mind from time to time, is it possible to have it all? Or better yet, can mamas do it all? Sometimes when I am constantly going, moving, and shaking, at times it can be a bit overwhelming. With going back to school for another degree, being an entrepreneur, constantly working on/growing my brand, making sure I am raising a contributing,  loving, compassionate, intelligent, human to society, plus spending quality time with her, equally being there for my husband making sure his needs don't get pushed aside, spending QT with him.....the list goes on. With all this going on, I wonder if I am I am missing anything? Trying to find the right combination of balancing career wants and needs against my families, fulfilling my "wifely duty" expectations" but still being a busy "working mom"

I also feel like I don't have nor make enough time for my friendships and that is very important, you always need your girlfriends. When things go array in your life, or you want to share amazing news,  although family is definitely important; however, it's nothing like having your "sister girl" bestie to bounce ideas off of and depending on your type of friends, get that raw unadulterated honesty. So circling back to my original question, is is possible to have it all? Honestly, I don't know, but one thing for sure, being the spirited type of person I am, I will try at the very least. What that will actually look like, I have no idea either.  So far my steps and attempts include taking one thing at a time, trying not to get so overwhelmed, managing my stress a lot better, and making time and moments count. I think a lot of times I load so much on my plate and tell myself that I am going to get A through Z done; however, most times I am not being realistic with myself. So taking accountability, reiterating what I said earlier, taking one step at a time and making every moment count being present in each moment.  Sometimes we as women take in and on so much, that if we don't find a way to handle it on the inside, it can and often times explodes on the outside. Stay tuned for next Monday as I reveal some of tools and activities I have been trying and partaking in lately to get a handle on things and how it's helping my overall health

Remember mamas, it's paramount that you take the times for and invest in yourselves so that you have something and can continue to invest in others.
Until next Monday..........

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