Mama Care Monday's: 40 and Fertile

5:04:00 PM

MamaCare Monday
40 and fertile....
If you have been reading and keeping up with the recent #MCM post, I am sure its become pretty obvious by the tone that I am working something out internally, on a quest to better health, and sustaining inner peace. I might have even stated actually that it in one of the prior post? Although I have put it out there, I haven't been as forthcoming as to exactly why I am on this journey to clean, detoxify, and emotionally purge.......About two months ago, I paid a visit to a very popular well-known women's health clinic in Jersey to a: have a general women well visit and b: have a fertility work up to see and make sure my internal women parts were "working properly". What made me schedule the visit in the first place is that my husband and I at some point would like another child however given our busy schedules, they don't always sync up to make that a reality. Being a busy working mom and student with my own business and my husband being an entrepreneur as well, sometimes we are burning the midnight oil, grinding, and unfortunately that doesn't leave too much husband and wife time.  Not to mention we are both very active parents in our 4yr old daughters life and trust me, one hour with her and you will be pooped! I hadn't seen my OB since my daughter was born (she turns 5 in Feb) I figured since I already had a baby and successful pregnancy prior, getting pregnant shouldn't be an issue, so why not just go and get checked out to see where I stand.  Boy am I glad I did just that......

One of the most eye opening and revealing visits I have had in a while and I am so grateful that I finally got off my butt and went, otherwise I would have been a sitting duck given the news I received that day.  I get checked out and some blood work done that is sent off to the lab. When the results come back and my midwife goes over the chart with me and basically tells me that my numbers indicate that I am "pre-diabetic" I almost fell off the exam table. I was like what did you say? So of course my mind is racing and due to my slight bit of hypochondria, I am already thinking the worst. "pre-diabetic" what does that even mean? I am thin and have been naturally slim my entire life, how is this possible? This is affecting my ability to have another child? But I already had a baby, a huge 9'2 healthy baby all natural, no problem, no complications, 100% bill of health. Why all of a sudden out of the blue a random medical issue has manifested? These were all of the questions I immediately fired off to my midwife and in laments term she basically told me that there was an excess of insulin within my body that had nowhere to go and that my ovaries were absorbing the remaining of it which was blocking my 'lady hormones" (LH) every month, which also made sense why I had an early miscarriage a few months back.  At this point I am no longer concerned with having a baby, I am more concerned with my overall health and if I was starring down the barrel into the dreaded "D" word.....Diabetes, also I wanted immediate answers to the questions of why/how did this happen and what does this mean for the future of me being able to conceive?

Two weeks ago I did a post for MCM about stress management and how vital it is to overall health function getting stress levels under control. Especially as we age when internally, things slow down in our bodies and in order to keep it healthy we have to feed it well and treat it right. With that being said, I realized that a few years back I was going through a stressful time and I not only wasn't managing my stress but I was consuming a lot of high sugary foods to sustain me energetically as I was constantly on the go, go, go. With no proper outlet for all the high octane energy I was expending and more than 20% poor eating habits frequently, I spiked my blood sugar levels to the point where I have residual insulin just hanging out in my body, No Bueno! Not being one for letting things get me down nor a pill popper taking medicine, I decided to pull myself up, take the information I had been given as an opportunity to reverse my situation via diet, consistent exercise, and a stress free environment.  Let me be extremely clear, I do not have diabetes, however what I do have is information that can enable me to make better decisions so that I can get another 40yrs+ out of this body healthy and disease free. Bringing us up to present date, I have changed a lot of things and implemented new and improved habits for my overall health.  As stated earlier, I am not so concerned any longer of my "ability" to have another baby at 39yrs of age on the eve of turning 40 this coming August, what I care about right now is my overall wellness and when I do become pregnant again, sustaining a healthy pregnancy. Without good health, there isn't much you can do.....You can be extremely wealthy but if you are sick, how enjoyable is that?  I sometimes think to myself what would have happened had I not gone to get checked and the recent pregnancy where I miscarried, had it been successful, yeah I would have the end goal of a baby, but at the expense of my health potentially being on medicine for the rest of my life? No thank you! Remember mamas, you have to invest/take care of yourself so you can continue to take care and invest in others.......

As I continue to get my health practices in check and my blood sugar levels under control,  I believe that I can get pregnant again this time but will fair better in it being a successful. Even if I am considered "advanced maternal age" by the medical profession, a term that I loathe, I know my body. If I take care of it, it will take care of me. The next few post for MamaCare Monday's will be chronicling my journey/quest to ideal health and practices that realistically fit into my current lifestyle and as I transition into the the next phase of my life being pregnant at 40.  Please feel free to join me on my quest, comment, suggest etc.....

Stay tuned, subscribe, and follow! Until next Monday

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