Mama Care Monday's: Womb Love

9:00:00 AM

As I am embarking on my health journey, as stated in prior post, I want to make sure that I am practicing complete wellness and health; body, mind, and spirit. Making sure all the components of my health are in check as I continue into the next phase of my life. It is key that I sustain ideal health especially since I would like to have another child sooner than later, my daughter is in so need of a sibling, baby number #2 needs to manifest him/herself immediately, lol! Since receiving some recent health news about three months ago, I really have been diligently sticking to a health plan that realistically fits into my lifestyle, making the necessary adjustments and changes needed to achieve my ultimate heath and overall wellness goals.

With that said, as much as our immune system is the backbone and key to ultimate health as individuals, I like to say that for women our "womb" is the key and/or backbone to support our overall health. Besides altering my nutrition and waking up every morning doing my ACIM (A Course In Miracle) I have been focusing on my womb health by practicing Mayan Abdominal massage. Mayan Abdominal Massage is an ancient and traditional practice of creating a flo of chi, and circulation to a woman's reproductive organs essentially helping to alleviate stagnation, impacted menstrual blood, boost fertility, and help with the seamless transition of "the change" as women mature.

Maya Abdominal Therapy are founded on the ancient Mayan technique of abdominal massage which is an external non-invasive manipulation that re-positions internal organs that have shifted,(due to pregnancy) thereby restricting the flow of blood, lymph, nerve and chi. The benefits for women are digestive, eliminating toxins, and reproductive. By shifting the uterus back into place, homeostasis, or the natural balance of the body, is restored in the pelvic area and the surrounding organs, toxins are flushed and nutrients that help to tone tissue and balance hormones are restored to normal order. This is essential for healthy pregnancy, labor, and delivery.

Lately I have been trying and doing a DIY version of this at home and I have to say its been fairly simple and easy to add into my daily wellness routine. Given the type of personality I have, I expect to see results immediately, however with anything to really work its going to require consistent practice and discipline. I am proud to say that I have been sticking with it thus far and one thing I can say is I feel better when I do it because I feel like I am really taking a stock in my self-care practices to ensure I continue to age gracefully externally and most importantly..........internally. I will let you guys know in a few months if this yields a second baby and/or helps to reverse my recent health condition, stay tuned! Here is a little DIY video that you can check out and try yourself. Weigh in, respond and let me know what you think and how it has or is working for you.

Disclaimer: Please do not do while pregant, on your period or 5 days before your next period.

Remember mamas, take care of yourself so you may continue to take care of others.......Until next Monday

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