Mama Care Monday: Work Your Way Outwards

1:00:00 PM

This past weekend I had the pleasure of being a part of the Inspired Artist Movement, IAM conference as a fashion/beauty panelist and getting my message across about even though you are a mom, still take the time out for yourself, start with self-care, and work your way outwards. As I always say, invest in yourself so you have something left to the invest in others......With that said, besides having the opportunity being on the panel and representing for @myrtleandflossie by vending, I had the utmost pleasure of reconnecting with a fellow mompreneur and discover all of the amazing things she has been doing lately. Lana Rose-Diaz @lanarose is a wife, mom of two cute little munchkin's, and an established poet with powerful beautiful words that she shares all over town. She does local and abroad poetry slams, spoken word events, hosting open mike nights, and facilitating the creative space on FB and locally in JC, blessing us with her amazing wordplay and thoughts.

As much as I stress the physical aspect of self-care, the emotional well-being is just as important. That's why I was so amazed and pleased to find out that she has published two books of poetry that totally sparks the mind and triggers the soul. I know lately I have been in a weird space emotionally and to discover something to inspire me and get over the hump, is extremely beneficial. Sometimes it's the smallest things that make the largest impact and although words may not hurt you, they definitely can help you depending on the situation you are in. Looking for something to feed your soul, inspire, and uplift your spirits/emotions, I recommend her new body of work, a great read and perfect for a carved out "mommy moment" and much needed "me" time.

Rain&Concrete a collection  of poems and pictures. Remember mamas mental wellness, emotional wellness, and physical wellness, overall self-care. Take care of you so you can take care of everyone else. Until next Monday........

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  1. This is so great! I love reading and discovering new authors. Thank you for sharing. Looking forward to next Monday.
