Fresh Food staying fresh longer; Food Saving, meal prep, eliminating waste

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MamaCare Monday

I don't know about you all, but there are days when I am coming home from a long day of work, school, dealing with life in general, that the last thing I want to do is cook.  Although food is essential and vital to living, sorry, apparently I am not one of those fully domesticated moms because I really don't enjoy cooking? however I love to eat and so does my family. Disclaimer; I can cook even though I find the process exhausting, especially when I come home from a really long day, all I want is the food to be ready made to consume. It was suggested to me that maybe I should take the time to prep the meals me and my family want to eat for the week say on a Sunday night of the prior week great idea right! I actually remember doing something like this when I was a kid I scheduled out and created meal plans for the week and my mom would put the schedule up on the refrigerator. Unfortunately as an adult, I haven't been able to keep the same discipline and enthusiasm to continue that routine from childhood. So imagine my excitement when I had the opportunity to go to and cover an event last week Friday that I was invited to by FoodSavers food preservation brand. This was an event they put on to demonstrate how to use and introduce their new product FM1510 hand held food vacuum to the market.

Food Network star celebrity chef Damaris Phillips did an awesome job illustrating how easy, convenient, super simple, and efficient using this system is showing us how to meal prep and create fast healthy flavorable foods for the week. Essentially shaving off the cooking time, preventing waste, and preserving a variety of different foods with their integrative vacuum systems.  One of the things she mentioned in the demo that stuck with me was when we go out and eat at restaurants we are not getting made to order rice nor any other type of starch or provision. Those items have been prepped and preserved so that when people come in to order, its reheated maintaining flavor and off the plate it goes to fill some happy customers belly. This FoodSaver system was designed to build flavor, prep, and preserve like a chef for the home. I can't tell you the many of nights I have come home and I am scrambling racking my brain of what it is I want to cook and once I have the dish in mind that I am going to make, now I have to get to chopping, squeezing, mincing, or whichever it requires to actually start the meal. Learning about this new product and how efficient and simple it is to use is truly an answer and solution to my dilemma. Not to mention that it saves so much money because all of those healthy quality foods and produce that go rancid easily due to the fact that they are actually fresh, now get to stay fresh a lot longer with the storage containers that comes along with the system. You literally vacuum out all of the air so the food stays dry, fresh, preserved, ready to make when you need to without going bad, its amazing!  You can actually keep items like strawberries or avocados longer than three days without having to worry about trying to eat them quickly before they go off.

So the next time you are in the kitchen and you possibly feel the anxiety coming on, maybe try this system and start prepping your meals for either on the go to take to lunch or building for your weekly meal plan. I am supper excited because Food Saver will be sending me my very own FM1510 to try and see how it works and fits into my family's schedule, stay tuned once I receive and use it. I will definitely share what the experience is like.  I bet you this system would work well for parents interested in and/or currently make their own baby food/toddler meals. I imagine this product working well with a Baby Brezza food processor and being able to create multiple quality healthy baby food and meals that can be frozen and/or kept in the fridge ready to go without going bad.....Hey any product that can help a busy working woman or mom, whether she is stay home or out in an office somewhere who has her hands in all the pots literally and figuratively, is definitely worth investigating and trying out. Means less time in the kitchen, more quality time with family. Check out the cool swag bag I got from the event!

Remember mamas to continue to invest in yourselves so you have something left to invest in others..........until next Monday.

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