Teaching our children about diversity

7:00:00 AM

MamaCare Monday

Given the climate of our country right now with the new government administration and what seems like their growing platform of intolerance, bigotry, and hate masked and buried in trying to protect us and our borders, keeping the "bad dudes" out (literally verbatim, our new president said these words....)with the oh so infamous travel ban, and in honor of Women's History month, a declared month that highlights and celebrates the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society, it is definitely time to raise the vibration. In response to what I stated in the first paragraph about our current government, like most things you try to protect, repress, hide, deny, etc.... the opposite is sure to happen. One of the best sayings, the rode to hell is paved with good intentions. With all this type of energy floating out there within the quantum field, and atmosphere, its always a nice gesture to do the "opposite" again to counteract the energy or rather neutralize it as best as possible.

With that said, I was so happy, pleased, and honored when a couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure to participate in Mommies heart to heart (a local JC non-for-profit charity organization) "Teach Our Children" about diversity and acceptance cultural event. At the event it was great to see all ranges of children from newborn to pre-school age dressed in traditional ethnic clothing of their parents, displaying a beautiful rainbow of diversity and the cherry on top was I had the opportunity to vend next to an organization; "Church World Service" that sponsors and assist refugee women and families in JC, helping them to resettle and get situated being that Mayor Fulop the other day in a town hall gathering stated that JC was considered a or rather deemed a safe haven for immigrant and refugee families.  Lastly it was extremely moving and touching to see this video created by Ali Asaei to shed some light on the immigration situation happening globally and even if its not affecting us directly, it still effects all of us as a whole, please watch but I must add the disclaimer that this video is very raw and documents live refugees traveling a great distance in hopes for something better.....click "video" link to watch and hopefully donate to the cause.

Here are a few pics from the day below, hope you enjoy and if you are local to Jersey City whether you have children or not, please come to the next Mommies heart to heart charity event https://www.facebook.com/mommiesh2h this dynamic duo comprised of Sarah Cho and Kasur Rasul together are a powerful momprenuer brand making a difference by teaching our children how to care, be considerate, and give back. It all begins within the home then branches out into the world......

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