Elvie Pelvic Floor Restore; fit bit for your lady bits!

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MamaCare Monday

 As amazing and rewarding it is having children and creating little beings to go and conquer the world, the continued long laundry list of all the things that comes with being a "maker of humans" never ceases to amaze me. Its great what to expect while your expecting however its equally important and can be extremely beneficial "preparing for post".  As television continues to display images of new mothers being overwhelmed with joy and portray the feeling its the most love they have ever experienced with the birth of baby even though that is legitimately the experience for some women, there is also an "under served" or rather not acknowledge percentage of women who don't necessarily feel that way when they give birth and sometimes have struggles in the form of Baby Blues and Postpartum depression ( I wrote an earlier post on the difference btwn BB and PPD, check it out here to learn more: https://themodelmommy.blogspot.com/2016/06/momma-care-mondays-baby-blues-vs-ppd.html) and just getting settled into a"new Mommie groove period.  Not to mention the long list again of all the physical changes that arises during the postnatal stage that no one really talks about, hemorrhoids being one of them and a weakened pelvic floor another.

The pelvic floor is the group of muscles that runs between your pubic bone at the bottom of your spine. This sling-like set of muscles controls and hold your bladder, urethra and vagina in place. Older women, overweight women and those who have had natural childbirth can find these muscles weaken substantially over time. A weak pelvic floor can lead to incontinence and loss of sensitivity during sex. Performing certain exercises, sometimes known as Kegels, can rehabilitate these muscles, stopping incontinence and other problems.-WikiHow
Given what we know about the pelvic floor and its function, its great to know there are postpartum or what I like to call "after care" products out there in the market to assist and help moms where ever they are in the continued journey of mother and womenhood. One of the newest and latest innovations to the market is a "maternal techie" brand called Elvie which created a physical and digital "Kegal Tracker" to keep you on point, tight and right after giving birth helping women restore their floor, discovering your true inner strength with a very up and close "personal" trainer

 Elvie was originally founded in UK by CEO/co-founder Tania Boler who has always been an advocate and passionate about women's issues and causes, so when she partnered up with co-founder and chair Alexander Asseily, another successful entrepreneur with a prior brand Jawbone, it was a no brainer and they created and launched an amazing wearable tech product to the market. 

Remember mamas you must invest in yourselves so you can continue to invest in others......with that said check out my video below of me opening the product, testing it out, and doing an overall product review and if you are interested in purchasing this product for yourself or a special woman in your life that you know (Mothers Day is around the corner.......), make sure you either subscribe to my blog or website to get our specialized 20% off coupon code coming very soon, stay tuned!

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