Itchy Baby

11:08:00 AM

 Oh the dreaded sensitive baby skin! I don't know how many countless hours I spent tackling my now 4 year old daughters, then very dry baby skin. She had a moderate to severe strain of baby eczema (patches right on her cheeks) that I was told she would grow out of after her first year.........yeah, that wasn't the case.  I really had to get creative and savvy with the combination of products I used on her skin to try and keep at bay at best to somewhat eradicating it. These quick little tips or rather mini recipes that I developed as my child was growing, really helped me out and hopefully brings some peace to you as a parent and comfort and ease for baby.

- Use regular grocery store or organic cornstarch mixed with either Aquaphor or whatever Organic "baby eczema" cream you find in stores, take about 1 to 2 tablespoons of cornstarch and a significant dolip of cream to get it in a pasty type consistency and apply to affected area on baby's body. This works effectively after bath time when baby's skin is porous and open and then apply the paste.

-Give baby bath with baking soda and Aveeno colloidal oatmeal that will help soften, cleanse, and sooth baby's skin. After bath, rub a good moisturizing cream like whipped Shea butter or any type of organic baby eczema cream or medicated cream if that's your choice.  Just be mindful, medicated cream like 1% cortisone contains that percentage of steroids so if you are concerned about the long term use of steroids on baby's skin, try to limited the use or not use all together.

-Lastly, using some type of medicated soap either with traditional medicine that you might get from the doctor, or from pharmacy or the more holistic route with herbs. Personally I like African black soap or a Colloidal Oatmeal soap that we create from our own herbal wellness bath/body care line "Ian's Secret". Cetaphil is also an over the counter mildly medicated, gentle cleanser for sensitive skin that you can find in any local pharmacy or drug store.


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  1. Thank you so much for the best information. It was really good to know about organic baby eczema cream. Keep up the good work.
