Mama Care Monday's: Mind, Body, and Spirit Journey

9:46:00 AM

Per last week's post while I am on my mind, body, and spirit journey of finding the right balance of managing it all; work, family, home, life, all while being centered, I briefly spoke about ways in the last MCM post putting into practice ways to achieve emotional balance. Now I am shifting gears and focusing on the physical aspect. I can't stress enough how physical activity is important in anyone's life but especially if you are a busy person who is always on the go, managing a full load, particularly a mom being pulled in so many directions and having a long laundry list (no pun intended) of things to do every day, one can easily become overwhelmed and if you don't have an outlet to release, where does all the energy go? A consistent routine of some sort of physical activity literally and figuratively moves things along and out of the way in life depending on how you view it.

I know for me, per the recent trip to my midwife's office and receiving news about my health, at this point in my life I really need to have some discipline or organization in place to manage my triggers better that lead to stress. One of the things that always helps me or I should say is my ground zero, is dancing. I absolutely love to dance, and I have taken classes, gone to parties, and danced just about every culture of dance you can think of. As long as it has a great beat, the music captures my heart, fills my soul, I can't sit stillPlus I love learning new things and I am like a parrot when it comes to dancing, I just need to see something once and I got it!
click video link to check out my cameo in a recent hot new Afrobeat artist Dallasie DOGO YARO video! I am definitely busting some moves working it out, lol!

One style of dance that has always resonated with me is traditional West African dance. When I first moved to NY, my girlfriends and I were very lucky to have lived in Harlem at the time where we were able to take free dance classes twice a week and not only was it some of the best cardio I have ever experienced, but being able to incorporate every aspect of my body doing simple to complicated moves to that powerful Djimbe drum was such an elated feeling that it's hard to completely express in words. We didn't know nor realize how lucky we were. Now fast forward years ahead, now I am a mother, momprenuer, entrepreneur, wife, grad student so I definitely need that thing that helps keep me calm and brings it all together and I am happy to say I have the ability to do that where I am located now in Jersey City.  Twice a week I teach an African Fusion dance fitness class which is a novice base mash-up of traditional West African/African Carribean/ African Cuban, and Afrobeat dance moves to traditional Djimbe drum and popular Afrobeat music that is taking the airwaves by storm this year. I teach downtown JC where I live at a community center Monday nights and Saturday mornings. I was reluctant to start teaching because I never saw myself in a teaching position but with a bit of convincing from my husband, I was able to get back to me, finding my center through doing something I actually  love, comes completely natural to me, and I get to share with and teach others. Win-win situation across the board! So I encourage you to find that one thing that may come easy to you, keeps you centered, and/or it's a passion of yours, pursue it to maintain and sustain balance in your life. Remember mamas you need to take care of yourself so that you can continue to take care of others. Soon I will be reveling why I am on a health journey and the recent news I receive from the doctors, until next Monday......

African Fusion dance fitness
54 Coles street Jersey City
Monday nights from 7pm-8pm
Saturday Mornings from 10am-11am 

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